Sonja Vol. 2 - kildeliste

  • Sykehusomgivelser bør tilpasses barna, ikke omvendt! Tekst: Åshild L. Hauge, Svein Åge K. Johnsen, Ingrid G. Gjelvik

    Hauge, Å. L., & Støa, E. (2013). "Here you get a little extra push": The meaning of architectural quality in housing for the formerly homeless-a case study of Veiskillet in Trondheim, Norway. NA, 21(1).

    Abu Lawi, R. (2017). Healing by design: Interior architecture and interior design of public spaces of children’s hospitals. Lancaster University. Lancaster University (United Kingdom).

    Gaminiesfahani, H., Lozanovska, M., & Tucker, R. (2020). A scoping review of the impact on children of the built environment design characteristics of healing spaces. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 13(4), 98-114.

    CVA (2020). EBD 2020 – Evidensbaserad Design. Forskning som stöd för utformning av den fysiska vårdmiljön. Centrum för värdens arkitektur, publikation 2021:4. Göteborg: Chalmers tekniske högskola.

    Coyne, I. (2006). Children’s Experiences of Hospitalization. Journal of Child Health Care, 10(4), 326–336.

    Sherman, S. A., Shepley, M. M., & Varni, J. W. (2005). Children’s environments and health-related qualityof life: Evidence informing pediatric healthcareenvironmental design. Children Youth and Environ-ments,15(1), 186–223.

    Koontz, V. S. (2003). Parental satisfaction in a pediatric intensive care unit. Theses, Dissertations and Capstones. 695.

    Watts, R., & Wilson, S. (2009). Impact of the physicalenvironment in paediatric hospitals on health out-comes: A systematic review. JBI Database of Sys-tematic Reviews and Implementation Reports,7(20), 908–941. doi: 10.11124/jbisrir-2009-201

    Fricke, O. P., Halswick, D., Längler, A., & Martin, D.D. (2018). Healing architecture for sick kids. Zeits-chrift fu ̈r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psy-chotherapie, 47(1), 27–33. 

    Power, N., & Franck, L. (2008). Parent participation in the care of hospitalized children: a systematic review. Journal of advanced nursing, 62(6), 622–641.

    Koukourikos, K., Tzeha, L., Pantelidou. P., & Tsaloglidou A. (2015). The importance of play during hospitalization of children. Mater Sociomed. 27(6):438-41. doi: 10.5455/msm.2015.27. 438-441

    Sherman, S. A., Shepley, M. M., & Varni, J. W. (2005). Children’s environments and health-related qualityof life: Evidence informing pediatric healthcareenvironmental design. Children Youth and Environ-ments,15(1), 186–223.

    Fricke, O. P., Halswick, D., Längler, A., & Martin, D.D. (2018). Healing architecture for sick kids. Zeits-chrift fu ̈r Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psy-chotherapie, 47(1), 27–33.

    van den Berg, A. E., Koole, S. L. & van der Wulp, N. Y. (2003). Environmental preference and restoration: (How) are they related? Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23, 135–146.–4944(02)00111–1

    Johnsen, S. Å. K. (2011). The use of nature for emotion regulation: Toward a conceptual framework. Ecopsychology, 3, 175–185.

    Sherman, S. A., Shepley, M. M., & Varni, J. W. (2005). Children’s environments and health-related qualityof life: Evidence informing pediatric healthcareenvironmental design. Children Youth and Environ-ments,15(1), 186–223.

    Johnsen, S. Å. K., Lindheim, M. Ø. & Hauge, Å. L. (2022). Terapirommet er ikke et nøytralt rom. Om friluftssykehuset og potensialet i de fysiske omgivelsene for barn i behandling. Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening, vol 59, nr 02, s 90-98.

    Ulrich, R. (1984). View through a window may influ-ence recovery. Science, 224(4647), 224–225.

    Pearson, M., Gaines, K., Pati, D., Colwell, M., Moth-eral, L., & Adams, N. G. (2019). The physiological impact of window murals on pediatric patients. Health Environments Research & Design Journal,12(2), 116–129.

    Vainio-Kaila, T. (2017). Antibacterial properties of Scots pine and Norway spruce. Doctoral dissertation, Helsinki: Aalto University.

    Cordoza, M., Ulrich, R. S., Manulik, B. J., Gardiner, S. K., Fitzpatrick, P. S., Hazen, T., Mirka, A. & Perkins, R. S., (2018). Impact of nurses taking daily work breaks in a hospital garden on burnout. American Journal of Critical Care,27(6), 509-512.

    Coad, J., & Coad, N. (2008). Children and young people’s preference of thematic design and colour for their hospital environment. Journal of Child HealthCare,12(1), 33–48.

    Park, J. G. (2009). Color perception in pediatric patientroom design: Healthy children vs. Pediatric patients. Health Environments Research & Design Journal,2(3), 6–28

    Adams, A., Theodore, D., Goldenberg, E., McLaren, C., & McKeever, P. (2010). Kids in the atrium: comparing architectural intentions and children's experiences in a pediatric hospital lobby. Social science & medicine (1982), 70(5), 658–667.

    Hauge, Å. L., & Støa, E. (2013). "Here you get a little extra push": The meaning of architectural quality in housing for the formerly homeless-a case study of Veiskillet in Trondheim, Norway. NA, 21(1).

    CVA (2020). EBD 2020 – Evidensbaserad Design. Forskning som stöd för utformning av den fysiska vårdmiljön. Centrum för värdens arkitektur, publikation 2021:4. Göteborg: Chalmers tekniske högskola.

    Lawson, B. (2010). Healing architecture. Arts & Health, 2(2), 95–108.

    Abu Lawi, R. (2017). Healing by design: Interior architecture and interior design of public spaces of children’s hospitals. Lancaster University. Lancaster University (United Kingdom).

  • Hvilken rett har barn og unge til medvirkning i sykehusplanlegging? Tekst: Gro Sandkjær Hanssen (NIBR, OsloMet), Henrik Botten Taubøll (Wiersholm), Eirik Skule (Wiersholm)

    Taubøll, Henrik Botten og Skule, Eirik (2022) Innlegg: Mer sosial bærekraft gjennom medvirkning fra barn og unge: (Nyhetsbrev på Wiersholms hjemmeside, 14.03.2022)

    Evaluering av sykehusbyggprosjekter (2018). Evaluering-sykehusbyggprosjekter.pdf

    Hanssen, G.S. (2018). Hvordan ivaretas hensynet til barn og unge i planlegging etter plan- og bygningsloven (2008)? NIBR-rapport 2018:19

    Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær og Nils Aarsæther (red.) (2018a) Plan- og bygningsloven. Fungerer loven etter intensjonene? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

    Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær og Nils Aarsæther (red) (2018b) Plan- og bygningsloven. En lov for vår tid? Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

    OUS (11.2.2020) Pasienter og pårørendes medvirkning i Nye OUS.

    Artikkelen er blant annet basert på evalueringen av plan- og bygningsloven (Hanssen og Aarsæther 2018a,b).;

    Se OUS egen redegjørelse for medvirkningspraksisen: